Private Sale Receipt Template

The Private Sale Receipt Template acts as a convenient method to document payment received by a nonincorporated Seller. This receipt can act to solidify the payment for goods or services by presenting definitive areas where the material necessary to identify both Parties and the transaction details can be reported. In some cases, this receipt may be called upon to prove ownership or payment so it is important that all the relevant details are produced as requested by this template.

How To Write In PDF And Word

Step 1 – Save The Private Sale Receipt From This Page

To access the Private Sale Receipt Template, select either the “Adobe PDF” link or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link presented in this section of the page. Similarly, the preview area displays the buttons labeled “PDF” and “Word” which can also be used to download this template.

Step 2 – Introduce The Private Seller

The Private Seller accepting the defined payment will need his or her Professional or Business Name entered in the “Company Name” box in the upper left. After furnishing the Seller’s professional identity to the above text-box, enter his or her “Name” on the first blank line. If the text box above was used to name a Sole Proprietorship, then make sure to furnish either the Owner’s “Name” or that of the Sole Proprietor Employee handling this document. The “Street Address” line and the line that follows (“City, State, Country”) expects a report on the Private Seller’s business address supplied to this document. Utilize these lines to produce the Private Seller’s business address then the line below them to display the matching “Zip Code.” The Private Seller should make sure that his or her Client can initiate contact during business hours with somewhat immediate results. This can be especially important if further confirmation of this payment is required. Therefore, use the blank line labeled “Phone” and the one designated as “E-Mail” to present the Private Seller’s telephone number (for instance, business line, cell phone, etc.) and email address(es).

Step 3 – Report The Private Sale’s Reference Material

The next line available for entry is titled “Receipt #.” This is usually a point of sale identification number that is automatically generated; however, any string of digits may be used as this paperwork’s filing number so long as it remains unique in the Private Seller’s filing system. The “Date” when the Private Seller received the payment should also be attached to this receipt. Input it on the blank line found on the right side of the page designated with the “Date” label.

Step 4 – Attach The Private Customer’s Identity

The Customer of the Private Seller should be named to the role of Payer. His or her “Name” is expected under “Customer/Client Information” Continue through this section to the “Street Address” line and the “City, State, Country” line and enter the appropriate address information for the Private Sale’s Client. The “Zip Code” where this Customer’s mail must be directed should be furnished to the next blank line. Two final lines in the “Customer/Client Information” section require input. Utilize them as a place to display the Customer’s current “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address.

Step 5 – Submit A Definition Of The Private Sale

The concerned document will need to include a discussion on the private sale. For this reason, a receipt table has been included so that you may provide some basic definitions regarding the concerned purchase. The “Description” box of this table expects that some specifics such as the title of a sales contract, a dialogue identifying the purchased product or service, and relevant dates be recorded. This field should let anyone reviewing this document know exactly what the Customer paid for or refer to an attached document with this description.

Step 6 – Furnish The Amount Required To Complete The Private Sale

The “Amount” field in the next column seeks the base cost of the service or product that was paid for. The figure entered here must be the original price listed for every item listed to its left. Next, take all figures entered in the “Amount” field, add them together, then furnish the determined sum to the box labeled “Subtotal” Some situations, sales, or Seller/Buyer relationships may warrant a “Discount” amount subtracted from the “Subtotal” at the point of sale or beforehand. If this receipt documents such an instance, then enter the dollar value of the “Discount” the Private Seller has granted. The “Tax” label for the next field calls for the dollar values of the sales tax, use tax, excise, service, or value-added “Tax” the local governing entity expects collected based on the “Subtotal.” Enter the payment amount diverted to any such “Tax” in the text field corresponding to this label. The paid “Total” for the private sale should be shown as the “Subtotal” amount minus that of any “Discount” plus the imposed taxes for the sale. Furnish the result of this equation to the “Total” field.

Step 7 – Include Any Due Instructions, Provisions, or Comments For The Private Sale

Now that the basics of the transaction have been solidified, the “Notes” section (found underneath the “Description” column of the completed table) can be used to deliver any follow-up information that should accompany the purchased items or the pricing report for the “Total” paid.

Step 8 – Summarize The Private Sale

A statement has been placed beneath the table and its corresponding notes area that will summarize some of the information above it on this receipt. The first confirmation that must occur is an entry of the “Total” paid by the Customer to the first blank line. Furnish the “Name” of the Payer on the second blank line. Conclude this area by documenting the “Date” the concerned Payer completed this purchase.

Step 9 – Define The Method Used To Pay The Private Seller

The “Payment Method” used to complete the purchase the previous statement discusses is the next detail this receipt intends to handle. For this task, a grouping of checkboxes labeled with various means of payment is displayed for review. One or more of these checkboxes should be selected as descriptors of how the Customer delivered the money for the purchased merchandise or service. If the Customer has made use of a credit card to deliver this money to the Private Seller, then fill in, select, or mark the checkbox attached to the “Credit Card No.” label and record the concerned credit card number on the blank line. If this is not the case, then continue to read through this area, leaving this first option unaltered. A check payment from the Customer can be selected and detailed in the second payment option. If a paper check was submitted, pick the box labeled “Check No.” then transcribe its ledger number on the blank line provided. A “Cash” payment submitted by the Private Customer can be documented easily by selecting the “Cash” option from this list. The last option is a matter of convenience set to report other forms of payment such as a wire transfer, an app payment, a web site portal payment, or even a money order. Mark the “Other” box and detail how the funds for the private sale were submitted by entering it on the blank line provided.

Step 10 – Gain The Customer’s Authorization To Complete The Private Sale

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line is the receipt’s next item of attention. Now, the receipt must be submitted to the Customer for review. He or she must then sign this line to show agreement with the above information. Take control of the document once this signature is secure then make sure that a copy is dispensed to the Customer while an original is retained in the Private Seller’s files.

How To Write In Excel

Step 1 – Obtain The Private Sale Receipt As An Excel Document

Download the receipt issued to Private Sale Clients using the “Excel” button or “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” links on this page. These items directly link to the spreadsheet template of this receipt and should be saved to an accessible folder in your system.

Step 2 – Deliver The Private Seller’s Identity To The Header

Open this sheet then access the first cell in column A. Here, cell A1, presents a bracketed instruction (“Add Your Company Logo Here”) that should be removed. Once deleted, upload and insert the logo used for the Private seller’s Business in its stead. Continue with this identification by recording the Private Seller’s Business or Company (if a Sole Proprietorship) Name in cell A2 as a replacement for the “Company Name” label. Cell A3 serves to display one more ID for the Private Sale Customer’s reference. Input the full “Name” of the person verifying the received private sale payment this receipt focuses on. The next area of this section seeks the Private seller’s address reported through three predetermined fields. Locate the “Street Address” label in cell A4, its follow-up “City, State, Country” label in cell A5, and the “Zip Code” label resented in cell A6 then satisfy these fields with the Private Seller’s address information.

The “E-Mail” address monitored by the Private Seller for correspondence regarding the payment as well as his or her contact number must be furnished as reports in cell A7 (“E-Mail”) and cell A8 (“Phone”).

Step 3 – Dispense The Private Sale’s Filing Details

The filing number or the document identification number assigned to the private sale payment and this receipt should be produced for the Client’s reference in cell F3 (“Receipt #”). Record the “Date” when the payment for the private sale was successfully delivered to the Private Seller in cell H3.

Step 4 – Document The Private Sale Customer Identity

The Private Sale Client will also need to have his or her identity solidified in this receipt. This is one of the main goals of this document. Thus, locate cell A11, and assign the Client to the role of the private sale’s Payer by typing in this Party’s full “Name.” Next, document the Private Sale Client’s entire mailing address using the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” fields reserved by cells A12 and A13 for the two address lines it contains and cell A14 to document its “Zip Code.” The Private Sale Client’s current email and telephone number are also items desired by the “Customer/Client Information” column. Cell A15 will accept the “E-Mail” address and cell A16 will accept the Private Sale Client’s “Phone” number. Complete this section by entering these items in the fields requesting each.

Step 5 – Engage A Discussion Regarding The Private Sale

The private sale that occurred may have been merchandise, a service, a type of supply, a subscription, or any number of items available by a Private Seller. This payment must have the item it is applied to reported. Thus, record the name of the product, service, or contract that required the private sale payment this receipt is concerned within cell A19 (“Description”).

Step 6 – Present the Paid Amounts

Naturally, several figures may be involved in the “Total” that was paid. In column H, we will address this topic beginning with cell H19 where the base cost for the Private Seller’s provided goods or services must be input as a dollar amount. Cell H20, which corresponds to the “Subtotal” label, seeks a summary of the costs that were reported in the cell preceding it. Thus, add all the dollar amounts in cell H19 to a single total and produce this as the receipt’s “Subtotal” in cell H20. Notice, this entry can only be the sum of all values in cell h19, even if only one number was entered. The next topic regarding pricing is that of the “Discount.” If the Private Seller applied a “Discount” to lower the final price, then report this dollar value in cell H21. If the Private Seller was obligated by a ruling Tax Entity, to collect a service, sales, value-added, excise, or use “Tax” to the “Subtotal,” then fill in the tax amount in cell H22 (“TAX/VAT”). The “Total” that was paid should have been equal to the “Discount” subtracted from the “Subtotal” with the result added to the “Tax” figures in this column. Supply this number in cell H23 (“Total”).

Step 7 – Provide Testimony To The Private Client’s Action Of Payment

Find the words “The Total Amount Of $” in cell A24, then record the dollar value of the Private Sale Client’s payment in place of the bracketed dollar sign displayed in the parentheses. This statement must declare the identity of the Private Sale Client as the Payer of the previously recorded amount, thus delete the bracketed “Name” label so that you may place the Paying Private Sale Client’s “Name” between “…Was Paid By” and “The Customer…” The day when the Private Sale Client paid the defined amount should be dispensed to this statement as well. Therefore, locate the “Date” label then effectively replace it with the payment “Date” listed with the receipt number above.

Step 8 – Report The Payment Method Accepted By The Private Seller

The “Payment Method” employed to deliver funds to the Private Seller must be documented. This task can best be handled with a simple selection of checkboxes that correspond to payment methods. The first of these payment definitions will describe a credit card transaction. If this is what the Private Sale Client used to deliver payment, then mark the checkbox in cell A27 and furnish the credit card number in the space available after the term “Credit Card No.” This list will also allow a check payment to be documented quickly. Such payment will require the checkbox available in cell A28 to be selected and the check or ledger number used for payment recorded after the phrase “Check No.” Cell F27 enables a “Cash” payment for the private sale to be verified. If this is needed, then select the checkbox in cell F27. A host of “Other” payment methods can be used to submit funds for a purchase or debt. Thus, the checkbox option of cell F28, once marked, can be set to display whatever content you type in directly to describe how payment was affected. One or more of these checkboxes must be selected to define payment.

Step 8 – Secure The Private Sale Customer’s Signature

Cell A29 presents a final area of attention. The Client who has submitted the above-defined payment must authorize it by the action of signing this receipt upon completion. Therefore, temporarily release this document to the Client, instruct him or her to sign it, take possession of it, then dispense a copy to the Private Sale Client for his or her records. The original should stay with the Private Seller.