Create a Quick Link for Your Custom Skill

You can generate Quick Links for Alexa to take your customers to your custom skill on their Alexa device. Quick links are standard URLs. You can provide them to your customers via your website, mobile app, social media, or email.

Customers can click your quick link and either:

Quick link availability and requirements

Quick Links for Alexa support the following devices and are available in the following locales:

Your skill must meet the following requirements:

Generate a quick link for your skill

The URL for a custom skill's quick link has the following syntax: .

Note: Skill IDs are case sensitive.

To generate a quick link for your live custom skill

  1. Locate the skill-id :
    1. Navigate to the Alexa developer console.
    2. Log in if necessary.
    3. In the Skills tab, click the View Skill ID link under the skill name.
    4. Use the syntax provided previously and replace with the skill ID that you just located.
    Marketplace Domain
    CA .ca
    DE .de
    ES .es
    FR .fr
    IN .in
    IT .it
    US .com

    Your quick link is now ready.

    Note: Quick links meant for a given marketplace work in other marketplaces as well. However, a customer who clicks a quick link from a different marketplace must sign in with their Amazon credentials for their marketplace to be able to launch your skill. This often means that the customer is signing in to Amazon twice and can lead to a poor customer experience.
    For example, suppose a customer in the UK clicks a quick link URL with the .com domain suffix, while the default Amazon domain for their marketplace is . The customer will most likely first need to sign in to * , as it is not a domain they visit frequently. After signing in, the customer is redirected to * , where they may have to sign in again, depending on the time lapsed since their last visit to * . Finally, they are able to see the Quick Links for Alexa page where they can select an Alexa device and launch your skill.

    Customer experience on the Quick Links for Alexa web page

    A quick link leads customers to the Quick Links for Alexa web page for your skill in a browser, on a computer, or on a mobile device. There customers can sign in to their Amazon Alexa account to retrieve information about your skill, the list of devices they own, and other information such as ratings and availability of in-skill purchases.

    After they sign in and review your skill information, customers can choose to launch your skill in either of two ways: from the web or via an Alexa notification.

    Option 1: Launch from the web

    Customers who are near an Alexa device and want to try your skill can choose to instantly launch your skill on their Alexa device. The Quick Links for Alexa web page shows customers a list of supported Alexa devices that they own. Customers can click one of these devices to have your skill launch on the device. Then, customers can immediately start to interact with your skill.

    Option 2: Launch an Alexa notification

    Customers can click this option to send a notification to their Alexa devices that enables them to launch your skill when they are near an Alexa device. When Alexa sends a notification, customers see a yellow light on devices without screens and an on-screen banner on devices with screens showing that they have a new notification. After customers send a notification to their Alexa device for your skill link, they can say, "Alexa, what's my notification?" . Alexa responds with, "You have one skill to try - . Would you like to open it?" . Customers can say yes to have Alexa respond with, "Here's launched from the web" , and then launch your skill.

    Account linking with quick links

    If your skill requires mandatory account linking, customers can link their accounts to Alexa after they launch your skill by using either of the preceding options. For example, if a customer launches your skill via an Alexa notification, they immediately see the account linking flow for your skill. After the customer completes account linking, they see a confirmation that Alexa sent a notification to their device.

    If your skill supports account linking but doesn't require it, customers don't encounter the account linking flow when they use your quick link to launch your skill.

    If you display a quick link in your mobile app, the customer must enter their credentials for your app again during the account linking process, even if they are already logged in to your app. For example, if a customer is signed in to your mobile app, and they click a quick link, the link takes them to the Quick Links for Alexa web page for your skill. On the page, they are redirected to the account linking flow (if it is required for your skill). In the account linking flow, they must enter credentials for your service again, since they are no longer in your mobile app. To reduce this friction, you can surface the app-to-app account linking feature to your customers on your mobile app. Then, as the last step of your app-to-app account linking flow, you can redirect the customer to your quick link.

    View quick links analytics for your skill

    In the developer console, you can view the number of skill launches you generated through quick links.

    If you want to track the number of skill launches coming from individual links surfaced in different online channels, you must use custom tasks in your skill in combination with query string parameters in the quick link URL. For example, you might want to understand which online channel is driving the most traffic to your skill's quick link among your website, mobile app, social media page and paid ads. You can find this out by using a query string attribution parameter. You can pass the parameter to your skill through a custom task input parameter. Read more about how to create a quick link for a custom task, and how to use an attribution parameter in your quick link and custom task. If your skill doesn't need inputs, and you want the query string attribution input parameter hidden, use the a2z_ref input parameter. For details, see Add campaign attribution to your traffic analytics.

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