Test your knowledge of cybersecurity with these 25 questions.

This free practice quiz includes questions from ISACA ® 's test prep solutions
that are the same level of difficulty you can expect on ISACA's official
Cybersecurity Fundamentals exam.

Get started below and good luck!

Congratulations, you passed with correct!

Your fundamental knowledge of cybersecurity is off to a strong start.

Good work, you scored correct!

Your fundamental knowledge of cybersecurity is off to a strong start.

You didn't pass with correct,
but don’t give up — you can still excel on the exam.

Great effort! No matter your score, the right preparation from ISACA ® can help you on your Cybersecurity Fundamentals exam and to move your career forward.

Scroll down for your detailed results.

Remember: these questions are a small preview of what you can expect on exam day.
The official Cybersecurity Fundamentals exam has 75 questions.

You’re just a few steps away from obtaining your Cybersecurity Fundamentals certificate:

1. Purchase your exam.
2. Schedule your exam.
3. Prep for your exam.
4. Ace the exam.

1. Prep for your exam.
2. Purchase your exam.
3. Schedule your exam.
4. Ace the exam.

Whether you are seeking to build on your cybersecurity knowledge or to get started on a career in the field, the CSX Cybersecurity Fundamentals certificate proves your understanding of the principles that frame and define cybersecurity.

To set yourself up for success on your Cybersecurity Fundamentals certificate exam, check out ISACA’s exam study guide and online course — designed to fit your learning style and schedule. Our team of cybersecurity experts have combined cutting-edge industry practices with proven training formats that maximize learning.

Choose Your Exam Prep

You've Got This! Now take the Cybersecurity Fundamentals exam.

Ready for your Cybersecurity Fundamentals certificate? Take the exam now.

Trained by ISACA ® . Certified by ISACA.

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